We simply couldn’t do the work we do without the generous helping hands of our volunteers.
Volunteer for events (Sydney)
Most of our volunteering opportunities are related to our events. If you can offer your time and skills for events, or even your professional services pro-bono, we would be very grateful.
We need volunteers in our North Sydney office to help with the preparation of events (e.g. sorting bric-a-brac and preparing event materials) and on location for the event day itself (e.g. manning market stalls, BBQs or selling raffle tickets). We also have occasional times during the year where we need other administrative support in our office.
Our Sydney events include the Jesuit Mission Bazaar in September, Golf Day in November as well as other supporter events throughout the year. For our current events schedule click here
Community fundraising
If you're not located in Sydney, or aren't able to help out at our physical events, another way you can get involved is via community fundraising. You could organise your own fundraiser, or participate in a peer to peer walking event like One Foot Raised. For more info click here
Student volunteers
We are currently not able to offer any volunteering opportunities for student volunteers.
To enquire about volunteering with Jesuit Mission, please contact us on (02) 8918 4109 or support@jesuitmission.org.au.
(Please note that we do not offer volunteering opportunities with our overseas programs due to staffing and logistical considerations.)
Meet some of our volunteers

Office and events volunteer
Mary volunteers in our Sydney office to assist with the preparation of various events, and each year works as part of the group of dedicated volunteers who ensure the success of the Jesuit Mission Bazaar.
“I’ve had a great time! Everyone is welcoming and happy – it’s a small office and such a happy place to work. It’s a great social outlet and I’ve made great friends among the staff and volunteers. I can’t imagine retiring again – from Jesuit Mission!”
If you would like to offer your time to support our work, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us on (02) 8918 4109 or support@jesuitmission.org.au.