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We’re so thankful that you are part of the Jesuit Mission community and we want to show you the impact your support has on the lives of people around the world.
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By signing up with the Jesuit Mission eCommunication you can expect to receive emails with:
  • Program updates: receive behind-the-scenes photos and videos showing our programs in action with marginalised communities throughout Asia and Africa.
  • Stories of the people you are helping: hear encouraging stories of empowerment where the lives of women, men and children in developing communities have been transformed thanks to your support.
  • Messages from Jesuit Missionaries: receive ‘from the field’ messages from the Jesuits who are putting their faith into action amongst marginalised communities throughout Asia and Africa.
  • Upcoming events: keep in the know about upcoming Jesuit Mission events you may like to attend or get involved in.

Other ways to keep in touch with us

Phone: (02) 8918 4109 Mail: PO Box 193, North Sydney 2059 Email: support@jesuitmission.org.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/jesuitmission