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Nurturing Creation

The Community Development program in rural Cambodia, run by our project partner, Karuna Battambang Organisation, is a perfect example of how sustainable farming practices can heal and sustain our planet and its people.More >
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Clean water for all

Thanks to your generosity a new water facility has been constructed, bringing clean, reliable water to the people of Ermeta.More >
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Rising above injustice

Achara, the eldest daughter of a Karen family, comes from a rural village in western Thailand. Her father, a Karen environmental activist, went missing in 2014 after being arrested in a National Park. For over 15 years, her family has sought justice for his disappearance.More >
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Fostering Dreams

Thanks to your unwavering generosity, the Jesuit Mission family has made an extraordinary impact on the lives of children like Samaira. A bright and ambitious young girl from the marginalised Korwa tribe, Samaira hails from the remote Garwa district in Jharkhand, India.More >
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Our shared mission

From 10-14 June, Jesuit Mission's program team hosted our partners meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia with 52 Jesuit and lay collaborators from across South-East Asia and India.More >
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Vale Dr Terry Horgan OAM RFD

Farewell to a true Jesuit Mission fundraising hero, Dr Terry Horgan. Terry was integral to starting two extremely popular and successful Jesuit Mission fundraising initiatives.More >
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Melodies of change

With the extension hall, Joana and her peers have found a sanctuary to explore their passion for music.More >
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Honouring and empowering motherhood

On Mother's Day this month we celebrated the incredible mothers in our lives. We honoured all mothers in our world, especially those like Leela in India.More >
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Legacy of compassion

Thanks to kind gifts left by Jesuit Mission supporters in their Wills, the lives of vulnerable young people in Cambodia are being transformed through educational scholarships.More >
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Awakening futures

In coastal communities of India, Dalit people face ongoing challenges, lacking resources and quality education as well as experiencing exclusion and discrimination. Chanchla, a member of one such community, found hope through the Lok Manch program, run by our partner, the Jesuit Research and Development Society.More >