Home>Blog Post>January 2021>A new beginning

A new beginning

Love, care and companionship gave prisoner Jadao a second chance at life.

For the men and women incarcerated in Thailand’s prisons, life is extremely difficult. Many have no visitors and struggle with terrible loneliness, fear, depression and hopelessness.

This was certainly the case for Jadao, who received a life sentence in 2010. However, everything started to change when he began receiving visits from the Prison Services Program, run by our local partner, Jesuit Foundation Thailand.

Thanks to the compassionate support of people like you, the Prison Services Program accompanies over 1,200 prisoners in eight prisons across Thailand, providing companionship and much needed care, love, and pastoral support. For Jadao, these visits were transformational.

“How come you, who I never knew, came to visit me in prison?”
“There must be a God!”

When Jadao’s sentence was reduced, and he was released from prison in August 2019, the Prison Services Program team was there to accompany him on his journey to begin his new life. Jadao returned to his home village with a heart full of love, gratitude and  determination. He started out living with his parents, as his own home had fallen into disrepair. Jadao soon became the primary income earner in the family, but longed to repair his own home and gain more independence.

With your help, the Prison Services Program team was able to provide Jadao with materials to repair his house. Now with firm walls and no more leaks, Jadao can begin his next chapter.

With your support, Jadao now has a weather-proof home and a brighter future.

“Now I can live here and start my new life, not so far from my parents and I can still take care of my father who is paralysed,” - he says.

First Spiritual Exercises - Critical Courage

Let us join together in the prayer for Critical Courage, written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Posted 28 January 2021

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