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Hope floats

The Tran family, faced unimaginable hardships as farmers with insufficient resources in their home country of Vietnam. Now they live in Cambodia on a house boat built by our project partner JRS Cambodia.More >
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Fostering Dreams

Thanks to your unwavering generosity, the Jesuit Mission family has made an extraordinary impact on the lives of children like Samaira. A bright and ambitious young girl from the marginalised Korwa tribe, Samaira hails from the remote Garwa district in Jharkhand, India.More >
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Voices from inside Myanmar

Jesuit Mission Australia spoke to Father Mark Raper SJ, a long-time friend of the Jesuit Mission Australia family, and across Asia Pacific, and a local social worker (pseudonym Mia), who is bravely working with a local church organisation on the ground to assist internally displaced people in Myanmar. More >
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Our shared mission

From 10-14 June, Jesuit Mission's program team hosted our partners meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia with 52 Jesuit and lay collaborators from across South-East Asia and India.More >