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Honouring and empowering motherhood

On Mother's Day this month we celebrated the incredible mothers in our lives. We honoured all mothers in our world, especially those like Leela in India.More >
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First Spiritual Exercises – Awakening Hope

We pray for Dalit women and men in India, may they receive the quality education they need to bring hope and opportunity to uplift their families and communities. More >
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Legacy of compassion

Thanks to kind gifts left by Jesuit Mission supporters in their Wills, the lives of vulnerable young people in Cambodia are being transformed through educational scholarships.More >
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Awakening futures

In coastal communities of India, Dalit people face ongoing challenges, lacking resources and quality education as well as experiencing exclusion and discrimination. Chanchla, a member of one such community, found hope through the Lok Manch program, run by our partner, the Jesuit Research and Development Society.More >