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COVID-19 Emergency Action Fund

Watch a 3-minute video on the COVID-19 crisis in India and how the Jesuits are helping poverty-stricken communities, featuring Fr Bob Slattery SJ and Fr Francis Marian SJ.

Fr Bob Slattery SJ, one of the Australian Jesuits missioned to India in the 1950s and today is still accompanying marginalised people there, says he has seen nothing quite as devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“At the time of the famine in 1966, it was very bad. But it was nothing like this. We’ve never seen this, and we hope never to see it again.”

– Fr Bob Slattery SJ

In India, an estimated 10 million so-called daily wage labourers – migrant workers who earn just enough each day to feed themselves – have been left with nothing to eat and no easy way home.

This crippling poverty and lack of resources has amplified the catastrophe and galvanised the Jesuits in Hazaribag to draw on their deep well of experience working with disadvantaged communities. They are identifying the poor, educating them about social distancing and providing them with dry rations and sanitation items.

Fr Francis Marian SJ, coordinating distribution of food and supplies, is working round the clock to ensure “no-one goes to sleep with teary eyes and hungry stomach.”

If you haven’t yet had a chance to donate, please consider supporting our Emergency Action Fund, so that we can continue to support partners such as Fr Bob and Fr Francis in their efforts.


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