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Educating the next generation

Thanks to your support, an inspiring graduate is helping to give vulnerable young people the education they deserve.

In 2019, Mary Lu graduated from St Aloysius Gonzaga Institute (SAG) in Taunggyi, Myanmar with her Diploma in Education and Social Work.

Now, Mary Lu is working with our local partner, Jesuit Refugee Service Asia-Pacific (JRS), using her education to help transform the lives of displaced refugees in her home region of Kachin State.

“I learnt about the importance of service, which led me to work with people in need.

“My time at SAG helped me to understand my purpose in life.”
Mary Lu

Due to decades of neglect, there is a vital need for education in Myanmar. With the generous support of people like you, SAG has been working to fill this gap.

For twenty years the Institute has been providing young people from the poorest backgrounds with the training they need to become teachers, social workers and compassionate leaders. With these skills, graduates can go out into their home regions as teachers to improve access to education, rebuild communities and bring opportunity to the entire country of Myanmar.

Mary Lu is delighted to be working with JRS, helping to empower vulnerable communities through education. Currently, JRS is focused on providing quality education for children living in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in conflict-affected remote areas of Kachin State, her home region.

For Mary Lu, this is challenging work, but she is grateful to be able to use the transformational education that she received at SAG to help her community. She works each day with children in Banmaw IDP camp, promoting education and providing essential supplies and invaluable hope.

“I love my job with Jesuit Refugee Service."
Mary Lu
“My fieldwork focuses on providing teaching and learning materials for children who live in IDP camps, accompanying volunteer teachers in remote areas and training teachers."

First Spiritual Exercises - Critical Courage

Let us join together in the prayer for Critical Courage, written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

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