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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of programs will my donation support?
Your donations are put into action to empower women, men and children living in the margins. Your funds help individuals, families and communities to liberate themselves from poverty and injustice by participating in Jesuit Mission programs that build practical skills, improve capacity and increase resilience so they can live full and free lives. Read more about our programs >
Who does Jesuit Mission help?
We take action to serve people who are marginalised, vulnerable and living in poverty, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, gender or political beliefs. We are companions to families living in extreme poverty, people who are refugees, seeking asylum or displaced, Indigenous and tribal groups, people living with disabilities, and people affected by HIV or leprosy.
Does Jesuit Mission provide assistance in humanitarian emergencies?
When requested, and where possible, we respond to the call of our partners and Jesuits in times of crisis, such as in the event of natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies. Our relationships with partners on the ground enable us to respond and deliver essential services in an efficient and prompt manner. Read more about our past Emergency Responses >
Does Jesuit Mission work in Australia?
Jesuit Mission supports programs across Asia and Africa, with Timor-Leste, Myanmar and Cambodia identified as our priority countries - See map of the countries where we work > 
We do not support community development programs in Australia, as we are mandated to accompany and serve marginalised communities overseas. Other Australian Jesuit social ministries, such as Jesuit Social Services and Jesuit Refugee Service work with communities in Australia. Jesuit Mission’s activities in Australia are focused on raising awareness and funds for our overseas programs.
Where does Jesuit Mission receive funding from?
Jesuit Mission is immensely grateful to each and every donor who supports our work. We rely 100% on the generosity of individual donors, including bequestors, Foundations and Trusts.
How can I make a bequest to Jesuit Mission?
Over the years Jesuit Mission has been greatly helped by friends who have remembered us in their Wills. We are profoundly grateful to them for their lasting legacy of ongoing support. If you would like to include Jesuit Mission in your Will to ensure the future of this great work of faith, love and service, please contact our office for a confidential discussion or visit our Bequests page >
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. Donations over $2 are tax deductible under Jesuit Mission Australia Limited ABN 62 639 931 230
If you have other questions , comments or feedback, please feel free to Contact Us.