Home>Blog Post>October 2022>A Gift for Change can help rebuild lives in Ukraine

A Gift for Change can help rebuild lives in Ukraine

Browse Gifts for Change

For almost eight months, the Jesuits in Europe, with the support of Jesuit Mission through Xavier Network, have been providing emergency assistance, shelter and opportunity to refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

At times like these, we are called upon as a community of faith to stand in solidarity with those whose lives have been turned upside down by war.  

By supporting Jesuit Mission’s Gifts for Change Program, vulnerable women, men and children fleeing Ukraine can be given a second chance, including finding pathways out of poverty and injustice.    

Instead of a traditional gift this Christmas, you could give a gift that helps restore dignity to Ukrainian refugees by supplying essential hygiene kits, or help provide a family with a temporary home for one month.

When you purchase a Gift for Change you can choose to send your loved one an instant e-card, or select a printed postal card.

Our full range of Gifts for Change can be viewed online here.

"The Jesuits in Europe are not only providing emergency food, shelter and support for refugees, they are providing platforms for refugees to rebuild their lives. Remarkably, some refugees have since become hired teachers, therapists, or volunteers willing to serve their fellow Ukrainian sisters and brothers,” said Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission.

Thanks to a partnership between Jesuit Mission, the Xavier Network and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Europe, 42,000 refugees from Ukraine have received support, including emergency shelter, food and essential items, psychosocial support, medical escorts, translation and accompaniment.

JRS Europe is coordinating the emergency response by mobilising support from offices across Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia, south east Europe as well as within Ukraine.

The project supporting Ukrainian refugees is called the One Proposal, a coordinated unified response from the Society of Jesus to the Ukraine Crisis.

The One Proposal is a three-year project that focuses on five main pillars to assist Ukrainian refugees – welcoming, protecting, promoting, integrating, capacity building and institutional strengthening.   

As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine deepens, Jesuit Mission and its partners overseas continue to collaborate, providing vital accompaniment to those in need.  

"We will remain committed to this mission, especially for the reconstruction of the country (Ukraine), we have a long journey ahead of us," Fr Alberto Ares SJ, Director of Jesuit Refugee Service Europe. 

A donation to our Gifts for Change Program this Christmas can provide emergency food, shelter and accompaniment to those in Ukraine and around the world.  

Click here to purchase Gifts for Change online or call 02 8918 4109. 

Browse Gifts for Change
First Spiritual Exercises - Prayer of Repairing Respect

Let us join together in the Prayer of Repairing Respect written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

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