Home>Blog Post>March 2023>Hope for people living with a disability

Hope for people living with a disability

Your support is helping to open up a new world for people living with a disability in Cambodia.

For 33-year-old mother Charaya, Karuna Battambang Organisation’s (KBO) program has been life-changing for her daughter who was born with an intellectual disability and epilepsy.

“The Centre staff taught my daughter how to feed herself and practice good hygiene," said Charaya.

Before being a part of our project partner KBO’s program, Charaya’s daughter was having seizures three times a day and she could not feed herself or take herself to the bathroom.  

Now at six years old, Charaya’s daughter has significantly improved.

“The program provides medicine that controls her seizures and secondly, they teach the children how to eat, speak and improve their cognitive abilities," she said.

Charaya and her daughter come to the KBO Centre according to a treatment action plan developed with the KBO staff and she also receives home based care from the staff.

The project has benefitted the whole family. Charaya is proud that her daughter is becoming independent and that the family now has a much greater understanding on how to support her development.

Charaya and her daughter attending a class at the KBO Centre.

“Now she goes to kindergarten at the local school. She loves playing with her friends and tries hard to concentrate on her studies," said Charaya.

Your compassionate support is providing hope and opportunity to many people living with an intellectual disability and autism across rural Cambodia. Thank you!

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