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Michael Musgrave reflects on Timor-Leste

125 years ago, the first Jesuits arrived in Timor-Leste. Now, the Jesuits continue to serve the most vulnerable there, bringing hope and opportunity.

Michael Musgrave, St Canice's parishioner and champion fundraiser for our neighbours in Timor-Leste, reflects on his latest visit to the Jesuit projects, including the Food Security project.

"While in Dili, I spent a fascinating day in the field with Timorese Jesuit Fr Júlio Sousa SJ, Director of Jesuit Social Services. We are accompanied by Elsa Pinto, a Timorese university graduate from Melbourne, who oversees their Food Security Program initiated only three years ago.  Before this was introduced, farmers would simply scatter seed over the earth and wait. Now, the size of cabbages and cauliflower growing in raised beds in fenced-off plots is testament to the success of this program. The challenge ahead is how to scale up a very successful pilot program and help more farmers to earn a living...

I’ve always enjoyed my interaction with the Jesuits at the Mission. They share their highs and lows freely and that openness inspires me to get on board to better understand what’s moving them. I aim to align my talents and passions with theirs and lend a hand in any way I can...

I must be very careful not to give the impression that we are the givers, and they are the takers. We are simply good neighbours, doing as good neighbours do," says Michael. 

Click here to read Michael's account of his recent trip to Timor-Leste. [External link to Australian Jesuits website]

Pictured above is Michael with Bartolomeu and his family, whose lives have been transformed by participating in the Food Security Project, run by our partner Jesuit Social Service Timor-Leste. To learn more and support other families learn sustainable agricultural techniques to overcome malnutrition and extreme poverty in Timor-Leste, read our Christmas appeal.

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