Home>Blog Post>January 2021>Raising up the forgotten

Raising up the forgotten

Your support is helping to open up a new world for people living with a disability.

“Before joining the program he could not feed himself. Now, after three years, he can eat with a spoon,” says Rattana’s mother with joy.

Rattana is six years old and lives with a growth disorder that has inhibited his physical and intellectual development. Before connecting with our local Jesuit partner, Karuna Battambang Organisation (KBO), life was very challenging for the family.

In Cambodia, many people believe that having a child with a disability is the consequence of wrongs committed by the family’s ancestors, and it is unlucky to be in their company.

As a result, people living with a disability often face discrimination and exclusion. Rattana’s family had to cope with this discrimination, while also carrying the burden of poverty and the high level of care required by Rattana.

But thanks to your support, KBO’s ‘Enhancing the Life of People with Disabilities’ program has been able to bring hope to the family.

The program provides practical support and interventions to give people living with disabilities the skills, medical care and help they need to live fuller, freer lives.

Rattana is one of the 276 people living with a disability, who KBO is working with today. His mother diligently follows the advice of the program’s staff and is delighted to see Rattana’s continuous development.

Along with feeding himself, he is now able to walk with the support of a rail installed in the family home – and he recently voiced a new aspiration.

“Rattana wants to go to school now,” says his delighted mother.

“When he sees children in their school uniform, he points and says ‘I like.’”

First Spiritual Exercises - Critical Courage

Let us join together in the prayer for Critical Courage, written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

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