Home>Blog Post>February 2022>13 Nepali detainees return home

13 Nepali detainees return home

In late 2021 we received news that 13 Nepali detainees in the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) in Bangkok, Thailand, were safely released and returned home to their families in Nepal.

Incarcerated because they lack correct visa or paperwork, these families in pursuit of a better quality of life in Thailand, are separated and abysmal conditions wreak misery.

Once detained, they are often at the lowest point in their lives.

Ex-detainee Chandra, now back in Nepal, is enjoying his freedom and has begun a great job as a cook in a Nepali restaurant.

“For me it is a joy to work, even though the work is hard. I enjoy cooking Nepali chicken curry."

Thanks to your generosity, our partner The Jesuit Foundation, supports over 6,000 people each year in the Bangkok IDC, providing practical help and pastoral care for detainees.

The project provides healthcare delivered by a doctor or nurse, including hospital referrals, and social services and basic supplies such as food, clothes and blankets - particularly for the elderly and vulnerable.

It also provides administrative support and solutions for detainee release, including organising travel documents and visas.

Due to COVID-19, airfares were much more expensive and families of the ex-detainees could only cover some of the cost. In response The Jesuit Foundation financially supported the outstanding cost of flights for those returning home.

“Thank you very much for your kindness and support. After 19 years (detained) I am very happy.”
Netra, another ex-detainee that recently returned home to his family.
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