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In 2024:

Gratitude Reports

Gratitude Report - 2024

Your unwavering generosity has illuminated the path forward for our most marginalised brothers and sisters.

Your support in 2024 contributed to 66 lifegiving projects, reaching 530,022 people across 13 countries. Through your compassion, our Jesuit partners delivered emergency relief and long-term, transformative support, empowering vulnerable communities through education, training, and accompaniment around the world.

Please take a moment to read the stories within this Gratitude Report—they are stories of hope, made possible by your faith in action.

"Your commitment to love and solidarity is a testimony to the grace of God. In these difficult times, you have chosen to act with faith, walking alongside those in need and helping to create a more just and compassionate world."

- Helen Forde, CEO READ NOW

Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2024. 

Click here to read our First Spiritual Exercises titled Laughter. 

Gratitude Report - 2023

Once again, you, our faithful companions in mission, have stood in solidarity with the most vulnerable members of our global family. You have prayed, acted and responded to our call to serve, raising an incredible $7 million in the last year.

This extraordinary outpouring of love – including the compassionate efforts of all our supporters, parishes, committees, schools and volunteers – has enabled our local Jesuit partners in 14 countries to reach more than 550,000 people through 63 life-changing projects.

As you read the Report, we invite you to reflect in the life-giving work that you made possible.

"Reflecting on 2023, I am deeply moved by the faith, compassion and action of our Jesuit Mission family. As our sisters and brothers overseas faced another year shouldering hardships including war, conflict, natural disasters and poverty, you have not turned away."

- Helen Forde, CEO READ NOW

Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2023. 

Gratitude Report - 2022

Last year, our global family witnessed the horrors of war in Ukraine, renewed violence in Myanmar and events across the globe that have seen our already vulnerable sisters and brothers experience new levels of poverty, hunger and injustice.

Thanks to your compassion and generosity, you enabled our Jesuit partners to support vulnerable communities in 61 programs across 11 countries in Asia and Africa.

You directly supported over 392,000 people in one year.

As you read the Report, we invite you to reflect in the life-giving work that you made possible.

"To uplift people living on the margins, you joined us in prayer, action and support. Last year, you raised millions for communities in need around the world, an extraordinary outreach of love and solidarity."

- Helen Forde, CEO READ NOW

Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2022. 

Gratitude Report - 2021

Another year of COVID-19 brought many challenges to the communities we serve and many fell into deeper levels of poverty, hardship and destitution in 2021. Thanks to your compassion and generosity, you enabled our Jesuit partners to support vulnerable communities in 58 programs across 14 countries in Asia and Africa.

You directly supported over 170,000 people in one year.

As you read the Report, we invite you to reflect in the life-giving work that you made possible.

"Our Jesuit partners have walked beside the excluded, providing emergency food relief and medical supplies; offering cash for work and livelihood activities to generate income; and visiting villages to educate young students. You contribute to these stories of change and impact. Thank you for making a difference in so many lives."

- Helen Forde, CEO READ NOW

Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2021. 

Gratitude Report - 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was an especially challenging year around the world. Thanks to your compassion and generosity we supported 70 programs in 16 countries, providing education; emergency food and sanitation packages; and transformative livelihood programs that build the strength and resilience of our family overseas.

Our 2020 Gratitude Report highlights the determination of our project partners and beneficiaries to overcome the extended difficulties brought on by this pandemic.

As you read the Report, we invite you to reflect in the hope and transformation that you have been a part of. 

"The courage I’ve witnessed in vulnerable communities around the world during these terrible times has been truly inspiring. So too has the incredible creativity and resilience shown by our local partners who’ve risen up to respond to the many challenges presented by this ongoing crisis."

- Helen Forde, CEO 


Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2020. 

Gratitude Report - 2019

2019 was an extraordinary year of compassion and generosity. Jesuit Mission family has put its compassion into action to support over 50 programs in 15 countries, providing education; basic essentials like clean water; and transformative livelihood programs that give vulnerable people the opportunity to create independent futures for themselves.

Our 2019 Gratitude Report highlights the stories of resilience, courage and determination that were made possible by support from all our friends.

Please join in a moment of reflection as you read the Report and share in the hope and transformation.

"It is only through your compassionate support that Jesuit Mission can accompany our vulnerable brothers and sisters overseas to enable them to build the skills, capacity and resilience they need to create lives free from poverty, injustice and indignity."

- Helen Forde, CEO 


Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2019. 

Gratitude Report - 2018

Please enjoy the stories of change that your generosity has made possible in 2018. During the year Jesuit Mission has worked with 22 partners on the ground in 14 countries. Our partners effect change across the spheres of health and basic rights, education, leadership and capacity training, and pastoral care.

These programs break cycles of poverty through agricultural, livelihood and vocational training. They protect the well-being of communities by providing medical care, schools, food, income generating projects and improved access to clean water and toilets.

They provide refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable individuals with pastoral care, social inclusion, education and advocacy.

"I am so grateful to you for joining us in serving our most vulnerable sisters and brothers living in the 'margins' of our world. Your kindness will continue to effect change for years into the future."

- Helen Forde, CEO 


Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2018. 

Gratitude Report cover

Gratitude Report - 2017

Throughout 2017, the generosity of our Australian Jesuit Mission community has enabled our Jesuit partners to reach some of the world’s most disenfranchised people.

Through these programs, we have been able to help them to build the skills, capacity and resilience needed to create and sustain lives free from poverty and injustice.

Our 2017 Gratitude Report highlights the good news stories of what we have been able to achieve by working together to support vulnerable people living in the global margins.

"I am deeply grateful for the friendship and companionship of our faithful, generous and committed co-missionaries - our volunteers, committees, schools, parishes, community groups and supporters like you - who demonstrate your love for the poor, not with words but through deeds."

- Helen Forde, CEO 


Click here to read the Audited Financial Statement for 2017.