Pilgrims 100 Member’s Evening, 27 May 2022
Pilgrims 100 Member's Evening, 27 May 2022
On the evening of Friday 27th May, 2022 Pilgrims 100 members and friends gathered at Inparrila, Adelaide to reconnect and be provided an update on their funded project for 2021-Providing clean and safe water supply for rural communities in Timor-Leste.
The Chair of the Pilgrims 100 Committee welcomed everyone. Special thanks also to Fr Peter Hosking who gave a very moving account of his time in East Timor around their independence and Father Chris Jenkins for all his support and how over $150,000 had been raised in the last 2 years to support Jesuit Mission projects.
Elizabeth Boylan Pilgrims 100 committee member introduced our guest speaker Bill Smith. Bill ave a powerful insight into his work as deputy co-prosecutor of the Extraordinary Chambers in Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) bringing to trial those most responsible for the war crimes committed under the Khmer Rougue regime between 1975-1979. Bill’s talk was entitled- Changing lives by not turning away.
Click here to read a summary of Bill's remarks.
This was followed Jesuit Mission CEO Helen Forde, who provided a detailed update on the incredible impact Pilgrims 100 funding is having on the rural communities of Timor Leste through their “Safe water supply project” in which six water tanks have been installed.
Click here for photos.
In partnership with Jesuit Social Service- Timor-Leste (JSS-TL), the communities of Ainaro, Ermera and Liquica have successfully constructed a spring reservoir and spring catchment, installed water pumps, storage tanks and distribution pipelines benefiting over 600 people in each village (of which 30% are children).
Click here for Fr Julio Sosa SJ's video thanking Pilgrims 100 members.
Click here to join Pilgrims 100 now
E: pilgrims100@jesuitmission.org.au