Pilgrims 100 One Paddock Event
Railaco, Timor-Leste Project Update at One Paddock Winery, 28 March 2021
A splendid day was enjoyed at One Paddock Currency Creek Winery on Sunday 28 March by forty Pilgrims 100 members. We especially thank Rachel and Tim Henderson for so generously hosting this special event at One Paddock.We were treated to three very informative presentations: Fr Peter Hosking SJ recounted certain events of his time in Timor-Leste during the Indonesian withdrawal. His personal account was very moving and we can only imagine how traumatic it was at the time. Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission, explained the stewardship of the $71,000 collectively contributed by all Pilgrims 100 members for the Railaco project in Timor-Leste. A document summarizing Helen’s presentation can be found here. Finally, we watched a video specially prepared for Pilgrims 100 members by the Jesuit video production unit in Timor-Leste about the Railaco project, sharing their hopes for 2021 and expressing gratitude for our support. The video can be viewed here.
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