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For many years the Jesuits in Railaco Timor-Leste, have provided food, healthcare and education to the vulnerable community, transforming the lives of current and future generations.  
Partnering with the generous parishioners of St Canice’s Kings Cross Parish in Sydney since 2004. The programs include a nutrition and feeding program for preschool children and a senior secondary school called Escola Secundaria Católica Nossa Senhora de Fátima (NOSSEF). Established in 2005, the Nutrition Program in Railaco provides children with nutritious food to reduce the incidence of malnutrition. The team visits three villages, Cocoa, Caitarahei and Libdodo, each week and provides food for children up to twelve years of age. As Railaco has one of the highest infant mortality rates in Timor-Leste, your support enables the Jesuits to bringing life-saving food and nutrition education to vulnerable families. Through the Nutrition Program, children receive balanced weekly meals containing a wide range of nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, meats, and vegetables. While simple, these nutritious meals are often beyond the means of a family in rural Timor-Leste. While simple, these nutritious meals are often beyond the means of a family in rural Timor-Leste. By providing essential meals the program is helping children thrive, and preventing the serious consequences of malnourishment including illness and stunted development. Last year, with you by their side, our Jesuit partner supported 330 children in Railaco.   In addition, the NOSSEF Senior School in Railaco educates 380 students, boys and girls from Year 10 to Year 12 and provides them with a subsidised nutritious lunch. Most of the students’ parents are subsistence farmers from remote villages and it is not easy for them to support their children’s education. 80 students live in dormitories nearby as their homes are too far away. At the dormitories, a grassroots chicken coop and breakfast program supports their healthy development and independence. Over the last few years the school has remarkably achieved a 100% pass rate in the National exams for Year 12, with many students going on to tertiary study.

Epiphania's Story

Epifania, a 16-year-old student in grade 11, is a bright and ambitious young woman with a deep passion for science and technology. Her favorite subject is biology, and she attributes much of her enthusiasm to her exceptional biology teacher, Mr. Cesar. Epifania resides in the school girls dormitory, where she has spent the last one and a half years. Living in the dormitory has allowed her to make numerous friends and has brought her immense joy. In this close-knit community, the students support each other in various aspects of life, from cooking and cleaning to studying. Epifania is the eldest among her seven siblings, which includes one younger brother and five younger sisters. Her dreams extend beyond the confines of the dormitory and her current school, NOSSEF. Epifania aspires to become a doctor to serve her community, particularly in Railaco.
 “I want to be a doctor. I want to help my community. I want to be a doctor in Railaco to serve others. I like NOSSEF because the teachers teach us well and the environment is very nice to learn in."
- Epifania, grade 11 at NOSSEF
 “I want to say a big thank you to Jesuit Mission for supporting NOSSEF, especially me and my friends in the dormitory. We don't have much to give, but we remember you in our daily prayers, hoping you stay strong and continue helping others, especially the people of Railaco."