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St Aloysius Gonzaga Institute

Located in central Myanmar, St Aloysius Gonzaga (SAG) Institute is unifying communities and fostering opportunities through education that bridges ethnicity, faith and generations.
Myanmar has been enveloped in war, civil unrest, deep-rooted ethnic tension, oppression and poverty for decades. Even though the country had a short time with a democratic government in this Century, the long period of oppression left a legacy of entrenched, widespread poverty, displacement, and under-resourced healthcare and education. Since the military coup in 2021, Myanmar has been in a state of humanitarian crisis. In April 2024, the military junta commenced compulsory conscription for all young men (18-35) and young women (18-27), triggering new levels of turmoil as young men and women attempt to flee the country.  Now, over one third of Myanmar’s population is living in extreme need. More than 2.8 million have been forced to flee their homes, while access to basics like education, healthcare and employment are severely limited. For over two decades, our local partners have accompanied Myanmar’s youth to navigate paths beyond the crossroads; opening up the doors to opportunities, transforming their futures and reaching out to enable others to do the same. With support from our Jesuit Mission Australia family, our local partner runs St Aloysius Gonzaga Institute of Higher Studies (SAG) in Taunggyi, Shan State - reaching and empowering more than 1,000 students every year.
Students participating in the outreach education program

Students at SAG teach English once a week to eager children who live in local Monastic communities.

Program details

SAG is located in central Myanmar, and embraces students across many of the country’s ethnically diverse states, including Kayah and Karen. Students are supported to study English, teaching, humanities, social work and leadership - greatly forming and empowering the country’s future leaders. Many students are supported with scholarships, and those from other States are provided living assistance (food and accommodation). In partnership with international universities and with recognition from Myanmar education authorities, this integrated program offers graduates internationally-recognised qualifications. Exemplifying Ignatian values, students in the integrated program are provided with opportunities to serve in neighbouring communities. And in the third year of studies, students develop a deeper service partnership by teaching English once a week to the eager and active children who live in local Monastic communities. With support from Jesuit Mission Australia, a major building expansion was completed in 2022, and the enrolment numbers continue to grow to over 1,000 students. The school also offers a Young Learners' Programs for children and a Communicative English Learners Program for adults. Graduates are armed with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be competent leaders in their community. And they are formed with the self-esteem, compassion, conscience and cross-cultural understanding and experience that will empower them to transform their community’s future.
 “The determination of the young people of Myanmar to build their country is inspiring, and I see it as an opportunity."
– Fr Paul Horan SJ, Australian Jesuit who lived in Myanmar for decades

Paul's Story

Paul, from Kachin State in Myanmar, is one example an inspiring young person your support has helped. At just 25 years old, Paul is determined to create transformational change for the future of his country.  Like a lot of Myanmar, Kachin State is rich in natural resources (jade and teak) and has a large youth population. However, Kachin State exemplifies the complex history and ethnic tensions lived across Myanmar with ongoing civil conflict. After a 16 year cease fire, Kachin has been in violent conflict since 2011.  “In Kachin State we have a lot of orphans. They come from a lot of different cities ... We need so many teachers to support their education. Because of the civil war. They’re fighting each other. The refugees are more …,” explains Paul. In his third and final year of study at the Jesuit-run Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Institute, Paul wants to become a teacher so he can help children in his home State to access quality education and create opportunities for full and free lives. Being over 500km from home, Paul is boarding at one of the hostels supported by Jesuit Mission. Paul notes that he has grown so much in the teaching and learning style as SAG offers a full inquisitive learning model and group work that intentionally requires collaboration across ethnicities, language and faith groups. This is quite a change from the rote-learning model that all students were brought up with. "I really like the SAG community because they give many things. For example, learning about education and doing some social work … we can learn a lot from this school. Before coming here, I had never presented in front of a class."
Paul, a student from Myanmar

Paul from Kachin State is a student at SAG.

"Thank you for supporting us. Especially in our SAG school. I heard from Brother you’re supporting us for food and school. Thank you so much."
Read more about the escalating crisis in Myanmar and Jesuit Mission Australia's emergency response.