Bill and Pina walk over 750km for Jesuit Mission

It is wonderful that you, our amazing supporters continue to find new and creative ways to fundraise for Jesuit Mission.
On 5 June, supporters Bill and Pina completed their incredible 750 km Camino from Le Puy en Velay to Saint Jean Pied De Port in France. A walk of approximately 20 kilometres per day over thiry-five days (with another 4 rest days).
Interested in walking in solidarity to support refugees, their main goal was to raise funds for Jesuit Mission’s outreach programs around the world. After years of planning and much training, they set out for France with a mission in mind.
“We were fundraising for Jesuit Mission to help others transform their lives. Any amount donated will make a real, tangible difference," said Bill and Pina.
Bill and Pina’s Camino in France was an adventure they’ll never forget, raising over $1,600 for vulnerable communities overseas.
“We walked, we talked, we met other pilgrims and sometimes shared chocolate and stories. We would come across chapels and churches, wander in to sit and pray and wonder how many others over the centuries had done the same. At the end of the day we sat with other pilgrims, shared a meal and wished each other ‘Bon Chemin’ (meaning ‘right path’ in French)," said Bill and Pina.

This year we invite all of you to register for One Foot Raised, to take up your own challenge to raise funds for Jesuit Mission like Bill and Pina. You can walk, run, swim, host a barbecue, have a morning tea or more to raise funds for communities in need around the world. Blaze your own trail and take action for Jesuit Mission to help change lives!
“I’m truly grateful for our supporters who take great initiative to assist people in need around the world. Your commitment and support allows our Jesuit partners overseas to stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable," said Helen Forde CEO of Jesuit Mission.
To find out more visit onefootraised.org.au or contact us via support@jesuitmission.org.au