Home>Blog Post>February 2024>One year supporting earthquake-affected communities in Syria

One year supporting earthquake-affected communities in Syria

6 February marks one year since the devastating earthquakes shook Syria and Turkey, claiming the lives of thousands, and causing more destruction and trauma to millions more Syrians who were already surviving 12 long years of conflict.

Thanks to your generosity, our Syrian Earthquake Response Appeal provided immediate assistance to those people most affected living in Aleppo, where the Jesuits were already actively supporting refugees.

In one year over 44,000 women, men and children received emergency assistance, including food, warm clothing, shelter, healthcare and vital psychosocial support. This life-giving response is being delivered by our project partners Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Syria, in partnership with the Xavier Network.

"A crisis will shake the foundations of any communities, but compassion and solidarity have the power to rebuild them," said Helen Forde.

"We are so grateful for the heartfelt generosity of our Jesuit Mission family as Syria’s vulnerable population face more trauma and terror."

Amidst the somber reflection on the one-year anniversary of the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, with your support, we remain steadfast in our commitment to rebuilding shattered lives.

Using the funding already raised, the Jesuits are committed to continue the program of emergency support activities into 2024 that will help the long-term recovery of women, children and men affected by the earthquake and conflict. 

"Thank you to those who supported our Earthquake appeal, your generosity continues to restore hope and empower resilience," said Helen Forde.

As the journey towards recovery extends into 2024, we urge you all to continue to keep the people of Syria in your thoughts and prayers.

One month after the earthquake a family builds a make-shift home on the street. Photographer: Mikhail Demian – JRS MENA
The earthquake collapsed thousands of buildings in Aleppo.
Photographer: Mikhail Demian – JRS MENA

Click here to donate to our Emergency Action Fund, to support people in crisis around the world.

A child receives an emergency food package.
Photographer: Mikhail Demian – JRS MENA

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