Home>Blog Post>October 2023>Empowering rural farmers

Empowering rural farmers

Thanks to your support, our project partner Karuna Battambang Organisation (KBO) in Cambodia is equipping rural farmers with sustainable agriculture techniques and teaching them the skills to sell their produce.  

Some of these skills include raising sustainable livestock, vegetable farming and the system of rice intensification method, an agricultural technique developed by a French Jesuit priest that uses less seeds, less water, and no chemicals.

By facilitating the creation of self-help groups in 22 different areas of the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, farmers are working together to find the right market channels and sell their produce more effectively.

Watch the video made by KBO and meet some of the farmers whose lives have been transformed by being a part of this program. Thanks to your compassionate support, rural farmers in Cambodia are being uplifted together as a community.

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