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Walking in solidarity

On Good Friday, millions of Christians around the world will gather to walk the Stations of the Cross, to reflect upon, and commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ.
As people walk the Stations of the Cross, there is a sense of bewilderment when they see a good man mistreated and subjected to humiliation. They see a person who did so many good things becoming a victim of social political powers. They see an innocent person beaten, stripped of all dignity, and crucified. Walking the Stations of the Cross is a sign of solidarity with the suffering of Jesus, and in silent protest that this injustice should not have happened. As we walk the Stations of the Cross this Friday, I would like to invite us to also remember and walk in solidarity with the thousands of people that are carrying their crosses each and every day. These are the women, men and children who are subjected to the cruel and harsh yoke of poverty. They are the victims of social and political systems that exploit and oppress them, looked-down upon and stripped of their dignity. They are the people living with uncertain futures for themselves and their children. And they are our neighbour. ​​The difference of walking in solidarity with these people is that we don’t have to be silent. We can do something to make a difference. This is the Easter message experienced in the resurrection of Jesus Christ - that despite total despair, there is still hope for a new life. Through being involved in Jesuit Mission's programs, people like those mentioned above experience new hope, and lives are transformed. Wishing you the peace and joy of Easter, and an ever-increasing faith, hope, and love, to transform our world.  - Fr Trung Nguyen SJ

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