Home>Blog Post>March 2022>Accelerating the water project in Timor-Leste

Accelerating the water project in Timor-Leste

Jose standing outside the office of JSS in Taibessi, Dili, Timor-Leste. Image taken by Gervaldo.

This month’s eNews coincides with World Water Day on 22 March. We reached out to Jose, the Program Manager Assistant for Jesuit Social Service’s (JSS) Water Project in Timor-Leste on the importance of his role.

“I started working here in mid-2021. JSS needed a person to help in accelerating the implementation of the water project in rural areas and I was hired for the job.”
“I hope to give more formation on water management and also on environment protection, how to take care of water by protecting and conserving the ecosystem that supports the sustainability of water."

The water project helps bring life-changing new water systems to remote villages in Timor-Leste, which is vital in a country where one-third of people in rural villages do not have access to clean safe water.

The burden of collecting water often falls to children, who have to walk up to five hours each day, carrying heavy containers of water.

Jose (left) in the JSS office with his team. Image taken by Gervaldo.
“What I like the most about this program is that I can be part of the JSS team and I can apply my knowledge and skills to help others."

Prior to his role at JSS, Jose studied community development at university and was also a coordinator and activities organiser for Magis group in Timor-Leste.

Now his tasks include contacting beneficiaries and coordinators at the project locations in order to organise meetings and mobilise the resources needed to finish the establishment of the water facilities.

Thanks to your generosity, Jesuit Mission’s partnership with JSS has brought clean water to more than 12 rural villages, transforming the lives of thousands of people.

A family celebrates the inauguration of clean water in their village.

Gifts for Change Easter

Instead of buying chocolate eggs for someone this Easter, you could consider supporting our Gifts for Change Program. 

First Spiritual Exercises - Finding Light

Let us join together in the Prayer of Finding Light written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

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