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First Spiritual Exercises – Seeking Healing

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If you had walked in the way of God, you would be living in peace forever. Learn where there is wisdom, where there is strength, where there is understanding, so that you may at the same time discern where there is length of days, and life, where there is light for the eyes, and peace.

Baruch 3:14

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.

Isaiah 57:14-19

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1. Thanks...I give thanks for healing.

I come before before the God of encouragement and compassion, feeling God’s arms

around gather me up in welcome. I sift the day or month, with gratitude, for times I

have received or given forgiveness.

I ask the Spirit to intercede for me with sighs too deep for words.

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2. Review...Today I seek the power of Inner Peace.

In my present urgent situation, what do I desire healing for?

Is there a particular relationship, with a history, I would like to heal now?

Is there an illness of body, mind or spirit I would like healing for?

I humbly ask Jesus for healing. He breathes the Spirit into me.

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3. Healed... I breathe in the Spirit of Healing.

Then I imagine and feel the Spirit breathing healing and new life into me.

I breathe it in deep, wait, then breathe it out into my need. I repeat as desired –

breathing, healed, renewed.

I conclude giving thanks, moving from illness to health, with God’s answer to my cry.

PRAYER TIME: 10 minutes.

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Click here to download the Prayer of Seeking Healing.

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Jesuits support over 56,000 Ukrainian refugees in one year

Today is the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, a conflict with no end in sight, which has devastated the country and shaken the international community.

At the outbreak of the conflict, with your support, our project partner Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Europe immediately provided emergency assistance, shelter and opportunity to refugees fleeing the conflict.

Through this collaboration, the Jesuits have been able to support over 56,000 Ukrainian refugees in one year.

“Our hearts are with the people of Ukraine. I thank our project partners in Europe for working tirelessly on the ground to reach as many people in need as possible," said Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission Australia.

While millions have been forced to flee, thousands have been killed and entire cities have been brought to the ground, JRS Europe continues to accompany those people most affected by the conflict.

In late February last year, when alarms and explosions became more frequent in Odessa, Maria and her three daughters began to panic and could no longer sleep at night.

They decided to leave, thinking that in a couple of weeks time the war would be over.

Once they got to Bucharest, they received a warm welcome from JRS Romania and were given financial support and shelter.

“I really hope to find a job here in my specialty (dentistry). We are very warm and comfortable in Bucharest. We’re not going anywhere else," said Maria.

Through the Jesuits’ One Proposal Program, forcibly displaced Ukrainians are receiving support across Europe, from immediate humanitarian response and emergency assistance in Ukraine and its neighbours, to long-term programs to promote and integrate refugees.

“We have been responding in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, and Slovakia. We have also expanded to many of our JRS offices around Europe, where we now offer long-term programs to promote and integrate refugees in Spain, Ireland, and Croatia, among others," said Fr Alberto Ares SJ, Director of JRS Europe.

Over the next three years the program will continue to provide psychosocial support, housing, education and employment opportunities to refugees in need.

“It is really moving to hear the testimonies of so many refugees with whom we walk and who express their pain, but also their hope. These efforts are possible thanks to the continued solidarity of so many generous people, foundations and other organisations who trust in the work of the Society of Jesus," said Fr Alberto.

Thank you for continuing to support Ukrainian refugees in this time of great need.

First Spiritual Exercises - Seeking Healing

Let us join together in the prayer of Seeking Healing written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Click here to view the prayer of Seeking Healing.

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Thank you for supporting our sisters and brothers in Syria

It’s been over two weeks since two earthquakes struck southern Turkey, near Syria’s border. Thousands have lost their loved ones and are left without homes.

Thanks to your generosity, our project partner Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Syria is accompanying survivors of this tragedy and uplifting the traumatised.

“I want to thank you all for the support and the generosity in helping us stand with the people. We have completed the first round of the initial emergency response," said Fr Tony.

The Jesuits in Syria have been providing immediate food aid, warmth and psychosocial support to survivors. Life-saving winter kits are being provided to families struggling against the ongoing cold as Syria is now in the deepest part of winter, with sub-zero temperatures at night.

“It has been heartbreaking just speaking to people who have spent the night out in the open or sleeping in cars…So we’re inviting people into the safe spaces that we can offer,” said Fr Tony.

While Turkey is already having a formal Government-led response to the Emergency, in Syria this will remain a challenge.

Thankfully the Jesuits already have an active presence in north-east Syria, having supported refugees there for over 10 years, and they can focus their emergency response on assisting these vulnerable communities.

“For Syrians there’s a glimpse of hope that maybe this is a time for Syria to come together internally, however, it also needs the support of the outside world,” said Fr Tony.

Thank you to those who have donated to our Syria Earthquake Response Appeal. Your generosity is providing immediate assistance to those people most affected living in Aleppo.

First Spiritual Exercises - Seeking Healing

Let us join together in the prayer of Seeking Healing written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Click here to view the prayer of Seeking Healing.

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Syria Earthquake Response Appeal

On 6 February Syria and Turkey were hit by two catastrophic earthquakes that have claimed the lives of thousands of people.

In response Jesuit Mission Australia has launched a Syria Earthquake Response Appeal to provide immediate assistance to those people most affected living in Aleppo.

Your compassion in action will help the Jesuits provide emergency assistance to people who have lost homes and their loved ones, made possible thanks to a partnership between Jesuit Mission Australia, Xavier Network and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Syria.

To support Jesuit Mission in responding to emergencies donate at the link below.

[call_action_button color="#e56a54" link="https://jesuitmission.org.au/actionfund/" target="_blank"]Donate Now[/call_action_button]

“Our hearts break seeing the suffering of our sisters and brothers in Syria. Any donation towards the Jesuits’ emergency efforts will help earthquake survivors overcome this trauma,” said Helen Forde, CEO of Jesuit Mission.

The Jesuits are standing in solidarity with earthquake survivors and have opened their building in Aziziyé, which was declared safe, where displaced people can find shelter and support.

While Turkey is already having a formal Government-led response to the Emergency, in Syria this will remain a challenge. Thankfully the Jesuits already have an active presence in North-East Syria, having supported refugees there for many years, and they can focus their emergency response on assisting these vulnerable communities.

Click here to watch a video update on the Jesuits' emergency response from the Xavier Network Emergency Coordinator.

JRS Syria reports that there is significant damage in Aleppo, with thousands of houses and hospitals collapsing and becoming uninhabitable.

Vulnerable people are now homeless, shaken and frightened. Many people prefer to remain outdoors in the cold and rain fearing the aftershocks.

In addition, the people of Syria have long been suffering from decades of conflict that has displaced millions of people. Combined with the trauma of the earthquake, JRS Syria will also provide long-term psychosocial and mental health support for survivors.

“We pray for the swift and safe recovery of all those who have been injured and for the comfort of those who have been impacted by this disaster,” said Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, Superior General.

Jesuit Mission Australia stands in solidarity with the devastated families in Syria, and urges supporters to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

To support Jesuit Mission’s Emergency Action Fund donate at the link below.

[call_action_button color="#e56a54" link="https://jesuitmission.org.au/actionfund/" target="_blank"]Donate Now[/call_action_button] More
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Reflections Summer 2023

Read the latest Summer edition of Reflections and see how your compassion is empowering live around the world.

[call_action_button color="#e56a54" link="https://jesuitmission.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/JM-Reflections-Summer-2023-8pp-A4-Digital.pdf" target="_blank"]Read Reflections[/call_action_button]
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Reflections Summer #630

Included in this issue:

  • Achieving econmic freedom in Myanmar

  • Water the Gift of Life in Timor-Leste

  • Empowering stateless youth in Thailand

  • Accompanying refugees in Indonesia

  • One Foot Raised

  • Uplifting through education in India
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A passionate appeal: Peace is a Pilgrimage; Let us join together

An appeal for peace from religious leaders in Myanmar: Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop Marco Tin Win, Archibishop Basilio Athai

Dear People of Myanmar, State and Non-State stakeholders.

Peace be with you all.

As leaders of major religions/faiths in Myanmar, we make this passionate appeal for peace, urging that all of us need to undertake the pilgrimage of peace.

The recent months have seen great threats to the sacredness of human life, the lives lost, the lives displaced, and the lives under starvation. In a country blessed with so many great resources, the destruction of lives is a heart wrenching tragedy.

Increasingly the places of worship and monasteries, where communities sought peace and reconciliation are themselves under attack and carnage. International instruments like the Hague Convention call for the protection of places of worship, places of learning, and places of healing. With pain and anguish, we ask why these sacred places are attacked and destroyed.

As a nation, we need to heal. Healing comes through our deep sense of interrelatedness. Places of worship to promote this interdependence, leading to peace. When they are burnt mercilessly returning to normalcy becomes a great challenge.

As leaders of the various faith traditions, our passionate plea to all stakeholders in Myanmar, is we have suffered enough as a people, let all guns fall silent, let us reach out to all, as brothers and sisters and start the sacred pilgrimage of peace - united as a nation and as a people.

Peace is possible, peace is the only way.

With prayers for peace and reconciliation,

On behalf of religious leaders.

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Accompanying refugees during the pandemic

For 13 years, Zainuddin has been giving refugees hope through his work with our partner Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Indonesia.

Zainuddin works on the Journey with De Facto Refugees Program, which provides support where it’s needed most for refugees living independently
in Bogor and Jakarta.

As the Case Management Team Coordinator in Bogor, Zainuddin’s responsibilities extended to handling JRS’ COVID-19 response across the city during the pandemic.

“In the pandemic, refugees became even more vulnerable. If they got COVID-19 they weren’t guaranteed access to health services, they also starved if they had to be isolated,” said Zainuddin

For those refugees in COVID-19 isolation, Zainuddin was distributing emergency food packages and checking in on their recovery.

In addition to emergency pandemic support, the program provides vital psychosocial services, financial support for food and rent, livelihood assistance and access to health services, all of which has become increasingly inaccessible for refugees during the pandemic.

“As someone who had COVID-19, I was lucky because I had family and friends who supported me. I am also a citizen who has access to health services. But many of the refugees we support do not have these things,” said Zainuddin

Thanks to your generosity, in the last six months JRS Indonesia supported over 1,200 refugees in need.

“Wherever they are from, refugees are a group of people who have lost part of their lives. They just need to be protected, to keep their hope and dignity in order to be able to survive and thrive in their future,” said Zainuddin

Reflections Summer #630

This month's eNews stories are part of our Reflections Summer publication #630.

Click here to read the latest edition of Reflections and see how your compassion is empowering lives around the world. 

First Spiritual Exercises - Clearing Airways

Let us join together in the prayer of Clearing Airways written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Click here to view the prayer of Clearing Airways

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First Spiritual Exercises – Clearing Airways

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It shall be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way. For thus says the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with those who are contrite and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will lead them and repay them with comfort. Peace,peace, to the far and the near, says the Lord; and I will heal them.

Isaiah 57:14-19

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1. Desire...I ask the Spirit to Remove Obstacles

I find and hold an object that symbolises for me the easing, or taking away of

obstacles, so that I can move forward in spiritual progress, in doing good.

I consider, 'What voices eradicate illusory obstacles to my good action'?

'What voices place spurious obstacles in my progress’?

'What is the contrary of a disquiet built on false reasons’?

I ask the Spirit for the gift that removes obstacles, clears the mind, and eases my way.

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2. Choice...Today I Choose the Open Way

I choose the open way, led by the good spirit who removes all blockages to God’s love.

I reject the obstacles, imagined or perceived, placed in my path by a bad spirit.

I turn and walk in the contrary direction, from dismay, to smiling heart, to peace.

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3. Progress... I live in the Freeing Trinity

I imagine I am surrounded by the Freeing Trinity. Father, Jesus and Spirit. Each

addresses me by name, saying, ‘Nothing will separate you from my love.’

I rest for a bit, in the dispelling of my fears and false reasoning, by the Trinity. I feel at

peace and free of deceptions of the bad spirit my way is easy.

I conclude giving thanks for the Spirit who removes obstacles in my spiritual progress.

PRAYER TIME: 10 minutes.

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Isaiah 57:14-19

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Click here to download the Prayer of Clearing Airways.

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Uplifting through education

Thanks to the compassionate gifts left by Jesuit Mission supporters in their Will, change is afoot in the rural villages of Hazaribag in India.

These legacy gifts are supporting the Ankur Project, which is empowering Dalit people –previously known as the ‘untouchables’ – by opening up new ways to overcome stigma, access education and gain opportunity.

The Ankur Project provides tuition centres for Dalit children and began in response to school closures during the COVID-19 lockdown.

The project enables a local tutor in each village to provide tuition to village children, giving them the opportunity to continue their education and find a future path out of poverty.

The Hazaribag Jesuits aim to renew the interest of Dalit parents in education and encourage students who have dropped out to return to school.

The project is essential in also providing job opportunities to tutors, who are hired from each local village as they understand the context of their own community best.

Now teacher Ramashish runs an Ankur tuition centre, teaching 25 children.

studies remotely as there are no universities close to his home.

His father is a farmer, who only studied up to Year 9, yet he always encouraged Ramashish and his four other siblings to pursue an education.

Ramashish's education has earnt him a lot of respect amongst the local villagers and through
this he has been able to encourage parents to value their children's education.

He joined the Ankur Project to help the children of his community to study and get a proper education so that they can improve their family’s situation in years to come.

A gift in your Will to Jesuit Mission can help us create real, transformational change for our sisters and brothers overseas, giving them the hope and future opportunities they deserve.

If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to Jesuit Mission please get in touch with Susan Vaz for a confidential discussion on 02 8918 4109 or email susan.vaz@jesuitmission.org.au

Fr Tony Herbert SJ visiting Ramashish and his students.

Reflections Summer #630

This month's eNews stories are part of our Reflections Summer publication #630.

Click here to read the latest Summer edition of Reflections and see how your compassion is empowering lives around the world. 

First Spiritual Exercises - Clearing Airways

Let us join together in the prayer of Clearing Airways written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Click here to view the prayer of Clearing Airways

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Water the gift of life

For Jonia, a 28 year old mother, village chief, part-time coffee worker and graduate of the Jesuit-run secondary school NOSSEF, the installation of a water facility on her doorstep in Railaco has dramatically improved her community.

Thanks to the collaboration of many village leaders and your generous support, our four-year partnership with Jesuit Social Service (JSS)Timor-Leste has brought clean water to more than 15 rural villages, transforming the lives of over 5,000 people.

“It is all totally different now. Our house is very close to the water tank, just a few metres away. We can use it any time we like,” said Jonia.

Previously, Jonia’s community would walk over one kilometre to the nearest clean water source in the river, a trip that had to be made multiple times in the day by different members of the family.

“Since it was far to collect water, we only used that water for cooking. We had to wash our clothes and bathe in the river because it would be very difficult for us, especially the children,” said Jonia.

With clean water now nearby, Jonia's community is experiencing new agricultural opportunities and an improved standard of hygiene. Children no longer have the burden of collecting water before and after school.

“Water helps our children grow. We want them to be teachers, doctors, and engineers. We want them to have a good life,” said Jonia.

As a village chief and a mother, Jonia is ensuring that the next generation has access to all their basic needs and opportunity. Since the beginning of the water project in her village, Jonia was responsible for organising meetings between her community and the JSS team.

As a result, the people in her village were very cooperative and saw the significant change fresh water in the village could bring. Her community was happy to financially contribute to the facility, as well as provide the labour to build the water tank.

Reflections Summer #630

This month's eNews stories are part of our Reflections Summer publication #630.

Click here to read the latest edition of Reflections and see how your compassion is empowering lives around the world. 

First Spiritual Exercises - Clearing Airways

Let us join together in the prayer of Clearing Airways written by Fr Michael Hansen SJ, National Director of the First Spiritual Exercises Program.

Click here to view the prayer of Clearing Airways
