Ingabire flourishes in the digital economy

Ingabire has joined the digital revolution, trading her skills on the global market, while living in Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi. Thanks to her training in the Digital Inclusion Program, supported by you and delivered by our partner Jesuit Refugee Service Malawi, now she is working with clients from around the world.
This innovative program trains participants in marketable digital skills they can use to enter the global online job market, allowing them to generate immediate income, and establish long-term livelihoods.
From trading her skills on global freelancing platforms, she can now provide for herself and her loved ones.
With 47,000 refugees at the camp, many live below the poverty line and depend on food rations. As job opportunities are extremely limited in the camp and movement is restricted within its borders, working online is a way for refugees to break the cycle of poverty.
Through the program, refugees learn Microsoft Office suite, translation, transcription and high-speed typing. Each participant works to attain digital accreditation to the European computer license standard, while also learning how to navigate freelance platforms to better manage their own small business.
The program is run in collaboration with a Paris-based NGO, with each participant receiving a laptop and guidance from instructors on the ground.
Thank you for your generosity in providing refugees like Ingabire with a wonderful opportunity to develop new skills and take agency in her own life.
Click here to watch the Digital Inclusion Webinar with Fr David Holdcroft SJ and project participant Stany Dibwe.
Over 3,000 join Prayer Vigil for Myanmar and India

Over 3,000 people joined the 30 minute Prayer Vigil, standing (virtually) in solidarity together to pray for healing and peace for the two nations in crisis. Click here to watch.