More than just coffee and crafts
This Craft Group found a special way to help poor and vulnerable people around the world.
It warms our hearts to see local community groups combine their social activities with meaningful purpose. We’ve been very thankful to have the lovely members of the St Ignatius Parish Craft Group in Norwood support us with their generosity.
The St Ignatius Parish Craft Group started out to bring people together over a nice cup of coffee. Now, these go-getters aged mostly in their 70s and 80s meet every week without fail and have helped communities around the world through their talents, compassion and enthusiasm.
Julie Tranfa, the organiser of the Craft Group explained to us how the gatherings took off - “Initially we planned to meet once a month, but then the women asked for once a week. The group was so productive, we thought, “What can we do with all these crafts we’ve created?”” So the group started to sell their craft works and donate the money raised. At first, they chose to donate to local causes, and then they started to look for other groups in need around the world – including Jesuit Mission.
Six years on, the Craft Group of 12-16 ladies (and 1 man!) continue to meet every week to create beautiful crafts like knitted nativity sets and embroidery to sell in the parish a few times a year. Julie described to us how wonderful it’s been to see friendships grow through the Craft Group.
“We’re there for companionship and friendship. It’s a very nourishing environment; they come to be with others, with the bonus of being there for others… It’s a receiving and giving experience. Receiving from being there together in the group, and giving to the wider community.”
This year the group’s aspirations are growing as they plan to branch out of their parish and set up craft stalls at local markets.
What a blessing this vibrant group are to Jesuit Mission and to the vulnerable communities we’re able to help with their support.
We’d like to say a big thank you to the St Ignatius Parish Craft Group in Norwood for using their talents and friendships to support communities both local and abroad!

If you’d like to start up a fundraising group of your own, we would love for you to get in touch with us on (02) 8918 4109 or
Or find out more about community fundraising events for Jesuit Mission >