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One-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine

Friday 24 February marks the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, a conflict with no end in sight, which has devastated the country and shaken the international community.

Thanks to your generosity the Jesuits have been able to support over 56,000 Ukrainian refugees in need during this traumatic time.

Watch the video update on the Jesuits' emergency response in Ukraine from our project partner Fr Alberto Ares SJ, Director of JRS Europe.

The war in Ukraine has resulted in the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe in recent history. Millions have been forced to flee their homes, and millions more remain displaced or in need in Ukraine.

Upon the outbreak of this conflict, the Society of Jesus coordinated a global response through Jesuit Mission Australia, JRS Europe and Xavier Network in Ukraine, neighbouring countries, and the rest of Europe to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate those in need.

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Click here to read the annual report on the Jesuits' Emergency Response to the crisis - the One Proposal.

Click here to read the stories of the people you have helped survive this crisis.

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