An island of stability for the young people in Thai refugee camps

With your generous support, the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) team in Mae Hong Son in Thailand is providing young people living in the refugee camps with life-changing education.
For many refugee children who have experienced deep trauma, the routine and structure of a school environment is an island of stability in the midst of an uncertain life. Education is also vital for these children to have opportunities as they grow up. That is why, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the JRS team in Mae Hong Son has been working day and night to find ways to continue offering education to the children living in the camps. The team is doing everything they can to make schools a safe and secure environment for many refugee children who are desperately seeking a sense of normality.
Like so many places around the world, school closures were unavoidable in the Mae Hong Son camps. JRS used this time to make the necessary preparations for the students to return to a COVID-19 safe school environment.

Teachers were trained on the importance of washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing. JRS provided COVID-19 preventative materials such as face masks, infrared thermometers, washbasins, hand sanitisers and soaps to the schools in the camps.
Thanks to supporters like you, students are now back in class with masks on and are maintaining social distance. Thank you for giving these children brighter futures by helping them to continue with their studies.

Paw Meh is one of the students in the Mae Hong Son camp who is delighted to be back at school. She is only nine years old but she’s already made her mind up to become a nurse to help those who are sick. She works hard, studies independently and is in the top three in her class – she even loves homework as it’s a chance for her to study more!
“Being a good child and student is a gift I can give in gratitude to the people who supported my education,” she says. “I want my parents and teachers to be happy with me, and I want to help people.”
If you’d like to read more about Paw Meh, and help young people like her to pursue their dreams, please click here.